During the school day there is little opportunity to slow down and breathe. We are moving so quickly from one task to another to satisfy the curriculum and maintain the daily schedule that the time to reflect and process what is happening throughout the day is often neglected.
Just after lunch and recess, we pause to calm our bodies and prepare our minds for the afternoon ahead. Álvaro, a piano composition written by a dear friend in Spain, Pedro Sarmiento, plays softly as we enter the room. Without a word, we lie on our backs, close our eyes and focus only on our breathing, inhaling the positive air and exhaling the negative. As if by magic, we are transformed and ready to get back to the work of the day.
Upon hearing this beautiful music for the first time, the students shared visual images that came to mind. Those images eventually found their way onto paper.
Listen. What do you hear? What do you see in your mind?